Monday, February 9, 2009


Cleaning your computer and your computer components and peripherals helps keep the components and computer in good working condition and helps keep the computers from spreading germs. To the right is an example image of how dirty the inside of your computer case can get. This example is a dirty computer case fan.

Depending on the environment that your computer operates in determines how often you should clean your computer case. The below list is our recommendation and may change depending upon your computer's environment

  • User who does not smoke and has no pets - Clean the computer every five months.
  • User who does not smoke and has pets - Clean the computer every four months.
  • User who smokes but has no pets - Clean the computer every three months.
  • User who smokes and has pets - Clean the computer every two months.
  • Business with clean office environment - Clean the computers every five months.
  • Business with clean office environment; however, multiple users use each computer - Clean the computer every three months.
  • Business that is a factory environment or allows smoking - Clean the computer every two months.
  • School computers with young adult users - Clean the computer every three months.
  • School computers with pre-teen users - Clean the computer every month. In some cases, this may need to be weekly or daily.
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